header image, displaying an 80s style landscape and sunset

a robot with written on his chest that is catching bugs with a huge net is a cloud-based error monitoring service that helps developers capture and log errors (including stack traces and request information) in real-time (when they occur in production). They support a wide range of languages and frameworks through their "sentry-*" opensource SDKs that are hosted on GitHub (the error logging SDKs for javascript, React, Capacitor, Next.js, and many more have an MIT license, but not all sentry packages do, for example, the self-hosted version of sentry uses a license called FSL that is NOT an OSI-approved license). Beyond error tracking, Sentry also offers performance monitoring features as well as a feature called Sessions Replays, which lets you capture and then replay the user interactions that happened before the error occurs, making it easier to reproduce an error and more. has a (free) Developer plan for developers who want to start a side project or just experiment with the service. The plan includes logs for up to 5000 errors, 10,000 performance metrics, and more.

Create an account (sign up)

Next, we have finally arrived on their welcome page. You can either click on Start (which I recommend you do, but more on that in the next chapter) to get a guided tour on how to set up the sentry or your team, or you can click on the link below to skip the onboarding.

Create a project

If you just finished the previous chapter and clicked on Start, then you will have come to a page where you get asked to choose your main framework, else go to your account and on the left, click on Projects and then Create project

Choose whatever framework you like (during onboarding, you can only add one at a time. However, you will later be able to add more if you want. For example, add sentry for a PHP Backend API, sentry for React for your frontend code, and sentry for iOS and Android for your apps, if that's, is your technology stack)

Next, I chose an alert frequency. I kept the default value Alert me on every new issue (you can change this later)

Then you can Name your project and assign a team to it. I again kept the default values.

Finally, click on Create Project

Now click on Configure SDK SDK for Next.js installation

You can use the Sentry Wizard or follow their manual setup toturial. I chose to use the Wizard as it guides you through setting up Sentry. I will also install some test files to ensure everything is working. If you chose manual, you may want to copy the DSN they give you at the end of the page (a Sentry DSN is an API key you will use when setting up your SDK)


Before using the wizard, I recommend committing your latest changes (if you haven't already) and doing a last sync before launching the sentry wizard, this way you will be able to see what stuff will add to your project, and you will see what got changed in existing files like the next.config.mjs file

In your VSCode terminal (or your preferred command line tool), type the following command:

npx @sentry/wizard@latest -i nextjs

Or, if you prefer to use the wizard without sending telemetry data to (usage statics and crash reports), then add the --disable-telemetry option to the command, like so:

npx @sentry/wizard@latest -i nextjs --disable-telemetry

First, you will get asked if you accept installing the sentry wizard npm package. Press y to accept and press Enter to move on

After the installation, the wizard will automatically get launched, and it will start asking you questions about your setup preferences:

Are you using Sentry SaaS or self-hosted Sentry? You probably want to choose Sentry SaaS ( like I did (but if you are a company, though you might want to look at the hosted version), then press Enter.

Do you already have an account? chose Yes (if you did follow the previous chapter or already had an account before), then press Enter (or choose No if you have no account yet and follow the account creation process)

Then, the sentry wizard will ask you to log in, which will open the sentry login page in your default browser. Log into your account, then go back to your terminal.

Select your Sentry project, choose your Sentry Project from the list (when using the wizard, Sentry will have automatically created a project for the SDK you chose earlier for you; if, however, you don't see a Project listed here, you can check out the Create a project chapter to create a project first)

Now, Sentry will install the latest Sentry SDK for Next.js.

Do you want to route Sentry requests in the browser through your NextJS server to avoid ad blockers? Sentry wants to know if it should route its requests through your Next.js server. By doing so, Sentry attempts to bypass the block lists of adblocker addons that are installed in some browsers. This means Sentry will first send the client-side requests to a URL on your server, and then your server will forward the request to the Sentry API. I personally chose Yes as I want to increase the chance of getting bug reports but feel free to answer No if, for example, you don't want to have the extra traffic (on your server backend) that this redirect will cause

Do you want to create an example page chose YES (we will later use it to test the Sentry setup, and then we will delete it)

Are you using a CI/CD tool to build and deploy your application? chose YES (if you are using Vercel, GitHub actions, or any other CI/CD deployment tool); If you do NOT use one, choose NO)

The Wizard will give you a SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN string if you choose yes. If you use a CI/CD for your deployments, copy the token, and save it in a secure location, you will need this token later if, for example, you set up a custom GitHub action. You will want to add that token environment variable to your GitHub secrets. If you use another CI/CD service, check out their documentation to learn how to use that token to upload source maps to Sentry automatically.

CI/CD tools can authenticate themselves to using the SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable and then use the API to automatically upload the source maps of your build to Later, if there is a bug report on, it will be able to use the source maps instead of the minified build files to show you where the error occurred.

Did you configure CI as shown above? chose YES

After answering all questions, the Sentry SDK will edit your next.config.mjs file with sentry-specific configuration options, and it will have added several sentry.*.config files (to the root of your project) that contain environment-specific configurations


If you use Vercel for your deployments, then you don't need to set the SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN yourself; you can use the Sentry integration for Vercel, which will set the Vercel environment variables for you

Next, as suggested by the wizard at the end of the installation process, it is recommended to start the development server using the npm run dev command, and then we visit the Sentry example page in our browser at http://localhost:3000/sentry-example-page

On that page, hit the Throw Error! button and then click on the link just below to visit your Sentry projects issues page

Now wait for the backend and frontend errors to appear (this can take a few minutes, which is a good time to refresh your cup of coffee ☕ (or whatever beverage you prefer))

As soon as the two errors appear, feel free to click on them and have a look at what error logging on looks like

Before we commit/sync all the changes did in our project, delete the app\sentry-example-page\ folder, including the page.jsx test page, and then also delete the app\api\sentry-example-api\ folder including the route.js API test route file that created to test the error logging, you will not need them anymore. for Next.js configuration can be customized a lot and has several places to change the default configuration.

Sentry wizard has edited our next.config.mjs, and it should now look like this:

import { withSentryConfig } from '@sentry/nextjs'
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
    poweredByHeader: false,
export default withSentryConfig(nextConfig, {
    // For all available options, see:
    project: "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME",
    // Only print logs for uploading source maps in CI
    silent: !process.env.CI,
    // For all available options, see:
    // Upload a larger set of source maps for prettier stack traces (increases build time)
    widenClientFileUpload: true,
    // Transpiles SDK to be compatible with IE11 (increases bundle size)
    transpileClientSDK: true,
    // Route browser requests to Sentry through a Next.js rewrite to circumvent ad-blockers.
    // This can increase your server load and your hosting bill.
    // Note: Check that the configured route will not match with your Next.js middleware, otherwise reporting of client-
    // side errors will fail.
    tunnelRoute: "/monitoring",
    // Hides source maps from generated client bundles
    hideSourceMaps: true,
    // Automatically tree-shake Sentry logger statements to reduce bundle size
    disableLogger: true,
    // Enables automatic instrumentation of Vercel Cron Monitors. (Does not yet work with App Router route handlers.)
    // See the following for more information:
    automaticVercelMonitors: true,

By default, the options that the wizard set for us are good enough. As soon as you have the time, I recommend checking out the Extend your Next.js Configuration documentation, which explains what each option does

Another file that got added to the root of our project is sentry.client.config.ts, which is used to configure for client components. Check out the Next.js SDK Configuration Options documentation for more details about each option. I slightly modified my configuration file to be like this:

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/nextjs'
let replaysOnErrorSampleRate = 0
let tracesSampleRate = 0.1
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
    replaysOnErrorSampleRate = 1
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
    tracesSampleRate = 0
    // Adjust this value in production, or use tracesSampler for greater control
    tracesSampleRate: tracesSampleRate,
    // Setting this option to true will print useful information to the console while setting up Sentry.
    debug: false,
    replaysOnErrorSampleRate: replaysOnErrorSampleRate,
    // This sets the sample rate to be 10%. You may want this to be 100% while
    // in development and sample at a lower rate in production
    replaysSessionSampleRate: 0,
    // You can remove this option if you're not planning to use the Sentry Session Replay feature:
    integrations: [
            // Additional Replay configuration goes in here, for example:
            maskAllText: true,
            blockAllMedia: true,
    environment: process.env.NODE_ENV ? process.env.NODE_ENV : '',

Lines 3-12: I added two variables for the replaysOnErrorSampleRate and the tracesSampleRate, replaysOnErrorSampleRate I set to zero by default to not produce replays when not in production, then line 6-8 I added a check to verify if the current environment is production and if it is I tell Sentry to always make a replay if there is an error (be careful with this option, in the free plan you only have 50 replays per month, which is why I only turn it on in production, also in development it is usually the developer themself that triggers the error so there is not really a need for a replay), the tracesSampleRate I set it to 0.1, meaning 10% of the traces will get sent to Sentry but then line 10-12 I disable them in development (this is to ensure no performance metrics are getting calculated when the app is running on a local computer, to check local performance it is preferred to use the developer tools), you may want a lower or higher value depending on what plan you are on and then check if you reach your limits or not and then adjust over time

Line 27: I completely disabled replaysSessionSampleRate, meaning there will be no replays being made when there is no error; the free plan has 50 replays per month, and I prefer to keep all the replays for cases where there is a bug

Line 38: I pass the environment to Sentry, meaning Sentry will know if the environment is preview or production (that value is based on the Vercel environment on which Next.js got deployed)


If you copy paste the sentry.client.config.ts above into your project make sure you update the YOUR_SENTRY_DSN_URL placeholder with your own Sentry DSN

sentry.edge.config.ts are the options for when Next.js uses the Vercel Edge Network. I kept that file, but feel free to adjust any values to fit your use case.

sentry.server.config.ts is again similar to the previous two, just this one is specifically for Next.js server-side options. I also kept this file as is

There is, however, one option in the server configuration that is commented out that you might want to consider. The option lets you use the Spotlight js package by Sentry. If you're going to use it, I recommend checking out the documentation to install and setup Spotlight in a Next.js project

Sentry v8 update

On May 13, 2024 Sentry released v8 of their Javascript SDK, version 8 now makes use of the Next.js "Instrumentation" to integrate monitoring and logging tools into a Next.js app

However as of now (1 day after the first release) the documentation and Wizard have not been fully updated yet (Issue #12044), so if after using the Wizard and the starting the development server (using npm run dev) you get the following message(s) in your terminal (command line tool):

[@sentry/nextjs] It appears you've configured a sentry.server.config.ts file. Please ensure to put this file's content into the register() function of a Next.js instrumentation hook instead. To ensure the correct functionality of the SDK, Sentry.init must be called inside instrumentation.ts. Learn more about setting up an instrumentation hook in Next.js: You can safely delete the sentry.server.config.ts file afterward. [@sentry/nextjs] It appears you've configured a sentry.edge.config.ts file. Please ensure to put this file's content into the register() function of a Next.js instrumentation hook instead. To ensure the correct functionality of the SDK, Sentry.init must be called inside instrumentation.ts. Learn more about setting up an instrumentation hook in Next.js: You can safely delete the sentry.edge.config.ts file afterward.

Then, you need to do a little bit of manual work to fully upgrade to Sentry v8 and support Next.js "Instrumentation". This is because the Sentry Wizard has not yet been fully updated yet. It will create an instrumentation.ts file, but it will import the two configuration files instead of putting the content of those 2 configuration files into the instrumentation.ts file.

First, open the instrumentations.ts file in the root of your project and then open the 2 Sentry configuration files sentry.edge.config.ts and sentry.server.config.ts (that are also in the root of your project) as well.

Now copy the Sentry.init code of the sentry.edge.config.ts file and replace the await import('./sentry.edge.config') in the instrumentations.ts file with the code you just copied, then do the same with the sentry.server.config.ts, next add import * as Sentry from '@sentry/nextjs' on top of the instrumentations.ts file and finally remove the async from the export function register() { line.

When done, your final instrumentations.ts file should look like this:

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/nextjs'
export function register() {
    if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME === 'nodejs') {
            dsn: 'YOUR_SENTRY_DSN_URL',
            // Adjust this value in production, or use tracesSampler for greater control
            tracesSampleRate: 1,
            // Setting this option to true will print useful information to the console while setting up Sentry.
            debug: false,
            // Uncomment the line below to enable Spotlight (
            // spotlight: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
    if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME === 'edge') {
            dsn: 'YOUR_SENTRY_DSN_URL',
            // Adjust this value in production, or use tracesSampler for greater control
            tracesSampleRate: 1,
            // Setting this option to true will print useful information to the console while setting up Sentry.
            debug: false,

If you copy paste the sentry.client.config.ts above into your project make sure you update the YOUR_SENTRY_DSN_URL placeholder with your own Sentry DSN

One final step is to delete both the sentry.edge.config.ts and sentry.server.config.ts files, as they are no longer needed.

Congratulations 🎉 you just upgraded to Sentry v8

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Sentry v7 to v8 migration

If you had Sentry v7 already installed in your project and now want to upgrade to Sentry v8, I recommend you use the Sentry migration codemod which will automatize the upgrading process and hence simplify the migration process a lot

Investigating dropped requests

When trying to log my CSP reports in, I could see that some reports got dropped, but the stats page did not give me the exact reason.

To find the exact reason why a request was dropped, you can use the API.

To get some data about the events, you can use Curl to make the following request:

curl{organization_slug}/stats-summary/ \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>'

You will, however, need an auth token, which you can get to create a custom integration for your organization, like so:

Now that you have your auth token, you can make an API call like this (replace MY_ORGANIZATION with the name of your organization on and replace xxx111 at the end with your actual auth token):

curl '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer xxx111'

On Mac / Linux, use the terminal or your favorite command line tool to execute the command. On Windows, I recommend using Git Bash

This will hopefully help you understand if your requests got filtered, were invalid, or if there was another reason why they got dropped.

Disable the "reports from localhost" filter

If you want to disable (or re-enable) the reports from the localhost filter, do this: